--- swagger: "2.0" info: version: 2.2.4 title: Atms x-ibm-name: atms contact: name: Openbanking url: https://www.openbanking.org.uk/ email: open.banking@santander.co.uk termsOfService: "" license: name: Open Licence Terms & Conditions url: https://www.openbanking.org.uk/open-licence description: |- Information on our ATMs, including locations and features. **API Information** | Title | ATMs API | |-----|-----| | Protocol | TLS | | Open Banking Specification Version | 2.2.1 | | Access | Free to use and no subscription required | The ATM API provides information on all Santander ATMs. Key features are: * List of all UK ATMs * Address and geo-locations * Accessibility * Supported languages basePath: /open-banking/v2.2 x-ibm-configuration: enforced: true testable: false phase: realized schemes: - https produces: - application/prs.openbanking.opendata.v2.2+json paths: /atms: get: parameters: - name: If-None-Match type: string required: false in: header description: The "If-None-Match" header field makes the request method conditional on a recipient cache or origin server either not having any current representation of the target resource. This implementation is ETag compatible with the format %x57.2F ; "W/", case-sensitive. A sample of valid Etag could be W/"123456789". - name: If-Modified-Since type: string required: false in: header description: The "If-Modified-Since" header field makes a GET or HEAD request method conditional on the selected representation's modification date being more recent than the date provided in the field-value. Transfer of the selected representation's data is avoided if that data has not changed. The format of the date should be HTTP-date format. A sample of valid date could be "Wed, 09 Feb 1994 22:23:32 GMT" description: "" responses: 200: description: Successful response. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AtmsResponse' headers: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff 304: description: A GET request was performed and the response is not modified headers: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff 400: description: You have sent a request which could not be understood. headers: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff 408: description: Your client has failed to submit a request, and a timeout has occurred. headers: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff 429: description: You have requested this resource too often. headers: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff 500: description: An error occurred on the server. No further information is available. headers: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff 503: description: The service is temporarily unavailable. headers: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff summary: "" operationId: get_atms head: responses: 200: description: Successful response. 304: description: A GET request was performed and the response is not modified 500: description: An error occurred on the server. No further information is available. parameters: - name: If-None-Match type: string required: false in: header description: The "If-None-Match" header field makes the request method conditional on a recipient cache or origin server either not having any current representation of the target resource. This implementation is ETag compatible with the format %x57.2F ; "W/", case-sensitive. A sample of valid Etag could be W/"123456789". - name: If-Modified-Since type: string required: false in: header description: The "If-Modified-Since" header field makes a GET or HEAD request method conditional on the selected representation's modification date being more recent than the date provided in the field-value. Transfer of the selected representation's data is avoided if that data has not changed. The format of the date should be HTTP-date format. A sample of valid date could be "Wed, 09 Feb 1994 22:23:32 GMT" description: The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server does not return any ATM list summary: "" operationId: head_atms definitions: AtmsResponse: properties: meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Meta' data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ATM' required: - data - meta ATM: title: ATM type: object properties: Brand: description: Brand of the Acquirer of transactions captured by the ATM type: array title: Brand items: description: Brand of the Acquirer of transactions captured by the ATM type: object properties: BrandName: description: Brand Name that an organisation uses to market its products or services to a consumer title: BrandName type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 140 ATM: description: ATM information. type: array title: ATM items: description: ATM information. type: object properties: Identification: description: ATM terminal device identification for the acquirer and the issuer. title: Identification type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 SupportedLanguages: description: Identification of the language name according to the ISO 639-1 codes. The type is validated by the list of values coded with two alphabetic characters, defined in the standard. title: SupportedLanguages type: array items: description: Identification of the language name according to the ISO 639-1 codes. The type is validated by the list of values coded with two alphabetic characters, defined in the standard. type: string pattern: '[a-z]{2}' ATMServices: description: Describes the type of transaction available for a customer on an ATM. title: ATMServices type: array items: description: Describes the type of transaction available for a customer on an ATM. type: string enum: - Balance - BillPayments - CashDeposits - CharityDonation - ChequeDeposits - CashWithdrawal - EnvelopeDeposit - FastCash - MobileBankingRegistration - MobilePaymentRegistration - MobilePhoneTopUp - OrderStatement - Other - PINActivation - PINChange - PINUnblock - MiniStatement Accessibility: description: Indicates Types of Accessibility title: Accessibility type: array items: description: Indicates Types of Accessibility type: string enum: - AudioCashMachine - AutomaticDoors - ExternalRamp - InductionLoop - InternalRamp - LevelAccess - LowerLevelCounter - Other - WheelchairAccess Access24HoursIndicator: description: Indicates that the ATM is available for use by customers 24 hours per day title: Access24HoursIndicator type: boolean SupportedCurrencies: description: All ISO 4217 defined currency supported by the ATM. title: SupportedCurrencies type: array items: description: ISO 4217 defined currency type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{3}' minItems: 1 MinimumPossibleAmount: description: Minimum amount allowed for a transaction in the service. title: MinimumPossibleAmount type: string pattern: ^-?\d{1,10}\.?\d{0,2}$ Note: description: Summary description of the ATM. title: Note type: array items: description: maxLength 2000 text type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 2000 OtherAccessibility: description: Enter a new code , name and description for any other ATM accessibility options type: array title: OtherAccessibility items: description: Enter a new code , name and description for any other ATM accessibility options type: object properties: Code: description: The four letter Mnemonic used within an XML file to identify a code title: Code type: string pattern: ^\w{0,4}$ minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 Name: description: Long name associated with the code title: Name type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 Description: description: Description to describe the purpose of the code title: Description type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 required: - Name - Description additionalProperties: false OtherATMServices: description: Enter a new code , name and description for any other ATM Service type: array title: OtherATMServices items: description: Enter a new code , name and description for any other ATM Service type: object properties: Code: description: The four letter Mnemonic used within an XML file to identify a code title: Code type: string pattern: ^\w{0,4}$ minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 Name: description: Long name associated with the code title: Name type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 Description: description: Description to describe the purpose of the code title: Description type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 required: - Name - Description additionalProperties: false Branch: description: Information that locates and identifies a specific branch of a financial institution. type: object title: Branch properties: Identification: description: Unique and unambiguous identification of a branch of a financial institution. title: Identification type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 additionalProperties: false Location: description: Location of the ATM. type: object title: Location properties: LocationCategory: description: Indicates the environment of the ATM. title: LocationCategory type: array items: description: Indicates the environment of the ATM. type: string enum: - BranchExternal - BranchInternal - BranchLobby - Other - RetailerOutlet - RemoteUnit OtherLocationCategory: description: Enter a new code , name and description for any other location category type: array title: OtherLocationCategory items: description: Enter a new code , name and description for any other location category type: object properties: Code: description: The four letter Mnemonic used within an XML file to identify a code title: Code type: string pattern: ^\w{0,4}$ minLength: 0 maxLength: 4 Name: description: Long name associated with the code title: Name type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 Description: description: Description to describe the purpose of the code title: Description type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 required: - Name - Description additionalProperties: false Site: description: Used by a Financial Institution internally to identify the location of an ATM. type: object title: Site properties: Identification: description: ATM site identification for the Financial Institution. title: Identification type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 Name: description: ATM site name as used by Financial Institution. title: Name type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 140 additionalProperties: false PostalAddress: description: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services or in free format text. type: object title: PostalAddress properties: AddressLine: description: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in free format text. title: AddressLine type: array items: description: maxLength 70 text type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 minItems: 0 maxItems: 7 BuildingNumber: description: Name or Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. title: BuildingNumber type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 350 StreetName: description: Name of a street or thoroughfare. title: StreetName type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 TownName: description: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. title: TownName type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 CountrySubDivision: description: Identifies a subdivision of a country, for instance state, region, county. title: CountrySubDivision type: array items: description: maxLength 35 text type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 minItems: 0 maxItems: 2 Country: description: Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. title: Country type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{2}' PostCode: description: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. title: PostCode type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 16 GeoLocation: description: Geographic location of the ATM specified by geographic coordinates or UTM coordinates. type: object title: GeoLocation properties: GeographicCoordinates: description: Location on the earth specified by two numbers representing vertical and horizontal position. type: object title: GeographicCoordinates properties: Latitude: description: Latitude measured in decimal degrees. title: Latitude type: string pattern: ^-?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,8}$ Longitude: description: |- Angular measurement of the distance of a location on the earth east or west of the Greenwich observatory. The longitude is measured in decimal degrees. title: Longitude type: string pattern: ^-?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,8}$ additionalProperties: false required: - Latitude - Longitude additionalProperties: false required: - GeographicCoordinates additionalProperties: false additionalProperties: false required: - PostalAddress required: - Identification - SupportedCurrencies - Location additionalProperties: false minItems: 1 required: - BrandName - ATM additionalProperties: false minItems: 1 Meta: title: Meta data type: object properties: LastUpdated: type: string format: date-time example: "2000-01-01T00:00:00.001Z" TotalResults: type: integer example: 10 Agreement: type: string enum: - Use of the APIs and any related data will be subject to the terms of the Open Licence and subject to terms and conditions example: String License: description: Change Banking License type: string format: uri enum: - https://www.openbanking.org.uk/open-licence example: String TermsOfUse: description: Change Banking Terms of Use type: string format: uri enum: - https://www.openbanking.org.uk/terms example: https://www.openbanking.org.uk/terms required: - LastUpdated - TotalResults - Agreement - License - TermsOfUse Error: title: Error type: object properties: status: description: This corresponds to the HTTP status code type: string title: description: A short title of the type of error type: string details: description: Further details describing the error type: string Header: title: Header type: object properties: Strict-Transport-Security: type: string description: HTTPS strict transport security header default: max-age=31536000 ETag: type: string description: A unique ID identifying whether this resource has changed Cache-Control: type: string description: Describes how long this response can be cached default: max-age=28800 X-Frame-Options: type: string description: Prevent this request from being loaded in any iframes default: DENY X-Content-Type-Options: type: string description: Ensures each page has a content type and prevents browsers from doing MIME type sniffing default: nosniff consumes: - application/json x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://openbanking.santander.co.uk/sanuk/external description: Endpoint for Open Banking only type: - production ...